Water management
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Electric motors for pumps in water management. The power of Kolmer

The water management industry is involved in achieving and maintaining the desired Dutch water level. For this, the right pumps, drive systems, pipe systems and grid cleaners are important. At Kolmer Electric Motors we specialise in electric motors for pumps used in water management. High quality and high capacity electric motors.

Fish-friendly water pumps

You will undoubtedly understand that water management goes hand in hand with everything living in the water. Keeping the surface water in polders under control requires large capacity and high speed pumps. The big advantage of these pumps is that fish migration isn’t adversely affected by them. The fish comes out alive at the other side of the pump and can continue its migration route peacefully. Fish-friendly water pumps are important for a balanced fish stock and a good environment.

By means of our electric motors for pumps we contribute to a better fish migration over weirs and through hydroelectric power stations and pumping stations.

Specialist pumps using Kolmer Electric Motors

Water management in particular requires specialist pumps. Whether it concerns drinking water, irrigation, sewerage and polder pumping stations, shipping, the dredging industry or desalination installations; they all require customer-specific pumps and the right electric motors to match.

In this context, we collaborate with Fairbanks Nijhuis Pumps, among others. They have accrued substantial specialist knowledge about flooding, land reclamation, drainage and irrigation.

Small electric motors

We have been designing and producing electric motors to your specific requirements for many years. From huge electric motors to small ones. Concerning electric motors for pumps for water management, the challenge was the right size. It was important that the motor had to be as small as possible in diameter, but still be able to deliver great power, resulting in reduced water-resistance. After a lengthy design process, the professional employees of Kolmer Electric Motors finally managed to meet all the requirements of the specification.

Opt for an electric motor by Kolmer Electric motors

Why, when looking for an electric motor for your pumps, should you opt for one by Kolmer Electric Motors? Because we have accrued many years of experience in the design and production of electric motors according to your specific wishes and requirements.

Applications in the industry:

Pumps – Water Management


Brand loyalty is our middle name. Ever since our company was established we are well disposed towards Cantoni Motor and Cemp. Our current range consists of a large variety of electric motors and related products from these worldwide operating brands.

IE1 motors

Series Sg, Sh, SIE | Three-phase squirrel-cage induction motors, suitable for general purpose

IE2 motors

Series 2SIE | Three-phase squirrel-cage induction motors, suitable for general purpose

IE3 motors

Series 3SIE | Three-phase squirrel-cage induction motors, suitable for general purpose

IE4 motors

Series 4SIE | Three-phase squirrel-cage induction motors, suitable for general purpose

Kolmer Top Coating

An engine that does not flake and does not rust, that is our goal when we start an extensive research project in 2016. We develop a coating that does hold and the test results exceed all expectations. Engines keep looking great year after year, no matter the conditions. TNO is testing the safety and we are now fully in production. Kolmer Top Coating anchors itself through the paint layer in the underlying aluminum and cast iron. A water-thin, super strong layer that protects for years and can be used on all our Cantoni and a selection of EMF and Cemp engines.

Read more about topcoating
That's why Kolmer Electric Motors:
  • Customized solutions
  • Sustainable electric motors
  • Effective solutions
  • High quality motors
  • Over 35 years of experience

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Jan Bakker , Salesmanager
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Barry Grevengoed, Sales Representative
Call +31341 - 369 696|Stuur een E-mail

Marcel van Kekem, Sales Engineer
Call +31341 - 369 696|Stuur een E-mail

Chris Huygens, Sales Engineer
Call +31341 - 369 696|Stuur een E-mail

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